Not Here For The Easter Bunny

Today was a very long day. I went to bed around 12:30. At about 1 AM, Cydney woke up crying a little bit and went back to sleep. 1:30 she woke up screaming. She continued to do so for a good hour and some change before I had enough. I took her for a little drive along the beach until she went right back to sleep at 3:43.

The next day was still some running around to do but I forgot all about the Easter Bunny! We got back home, my mother did Cydney’s hair, and to the mall we went. We waited in line for a good fifteen minutes. When it was time to take pictures Cydney would not let go of me. She had a look if terror in her face. I guess a big ass rabbit will do it every time. Cydney wanted no parts of it. Here are the results:



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